
Life’s Paperless Exams: Evolving Through Everyday Challenges

Exams have always been a source of fear in our childhood. The idea of preparing, appearing, and passing feels overwhelming, with failure never an option. Midterms, annual exams, or even competitive exams—we tackled them all, thinking that passing one would bring an end to the struggle.

Our parents often reminded us, “This exam is crucial for your future, so give it your best!” But as we grew, we realized an unchanging truth: every exam is followed by another, ready to test our knowledge in a new way.

It’s a relentless cycle, like an endless stream of bullets from an AK-47 gun—a never-ending trail of challenges demanding our best effort each time.

What if I told you that the Divine puts us through countless paperless exams every single day? Intriguing, isn’t it? Let’s delve deeper into this idea.

We often identify ourselves through various labels: our name and surname, our fancy qualifications with impressive prefixes, or the prestigious roles we hold in esteemed organizations. If we have children, we pride ourselves on their achievements and degrees from top universities. Our wealth adds another layer—lavish mansions, luxury cars, and more.

Each of these boosts our ego, making us feel proud and fulfilled. Many of us even believe that this is the ultimate purpose of our existence on Earth. But here’s the truth: our ego is one of the biggest obstacles, and it often causes us to fail the Divine’s unseen exams. Curious about these Exams? Let’s explore further.

If we find joy in others' achievements, we pass the exam of jealousy. If we recognize others' pain and comfort them, we pass the exam of compassion. If we hold onto honesty even during hardships, we pass the exam of truthfulness. If we embrace and feel content with what we have, we pass the exam of contentment. If we earn a living through lawful means and follow the path of righteousness, we pass the exam of Dharma.

Life presents us with endless paperless exams, offering us daily opportunities to grow. Unlike formal exams, these come without age limits or restrictions on attempts. We owe gratitude to nature for its generosity in allowing us to take these tests repeatedly, no matter how often we fail.

Why do these exams matter? Because they guide the evolution of our soul. Like it or not, we are here to pass, fail, and try again—lifetime after lifetime—until we succeed with flying colors.

For instance, imagine you call someone you love, but they don’t answer or return your call. Naturally, you feel hurt because you expect that, as someone who loves you, they should respond. This expectation leads to disappointment, revealing that you are failing the exam of patience and true love.

Now, consider this: who is actually helping whom in this situation? Surprising as it may sound, it’s the indifferent lover. Most of us would assume otherwise, but their actions, though hurtful, provide you with an opportunity to grow—to pass the exam of patience and true love.

Even if they commit a bad karma by causing you pain, they play a role in uplifting your soul by testing your ability to rise above. Instead of harboring resentment, learn to treat them with kindness. After all, they are sinking themselves to help you evolve.

Here’s another example: Imagine your mother catches you taking money from the almirah without permission. Should you feel upset when she scolds you? Should you get angry with her for doing so?

Instead, you should be grateful. She is showing you your mistakes and helping you learn the value of honesty and doing the right thing. By correcting you, she is helping you pass the exam of righteousness and become a better person.

Here’s another example: Imagine you have a heated argument with a close friend or relative, and your ego doesn’t allow you to stay silent. The situation escalates into a full-blown altercation. The best way to handle this is to avoid starting the argument in the first place—stay silent for a day. As emotions settle, your ego loses its grip, and your inner peace remains intact.

If, unfortunately, the argument escalates, both sides will experience trauma, anger, and guilt. In such moments, avoid seeking help from friends, even your closest ones. Treat it as a personal exam you must face alone. Seeking help is like cheating—it prevents you from truly learning the lesson. When the Divine wants you to evolve, you will be tested in isolation. During such trials, your only refuge is to seek guidance from your Guru in your prayers with full surrender.

Life is a series of exams meant to help us grow. If we fail, we must reappear until we pass. So, it’s always better to pass now than later. By doing so, we minimize our karmic baggage and move closer to liberation from the cycle of birth and death.

The next time someone treats you unfairly, see it as an exam. Try your best to pass with patience, gratitude, and understanding. And don’t forget to thank the person in your mind—they are playing their role in your growth.

All the best for your upcoming paperless exam! 🌟

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